Thursday 5 September 2013

Plan in action!

I'm setting up a business...there I said it....makes it feel real now!

When I was on maternity leave (2 years ago now!) I had all these different business ideas in my head, for those of you that know me very well, will know my other half has a head like that as well, so may be I caught it off him! I worked really hard and made loads of notes, everything to avoid going back to work to sit at a desk. Don't get me wrong I loved my job but I really thought at the time a "full time" mum was for me but I needed money and my own business will give me something to get by. It never happened in time and so off I trotted to work, but I actually enjoyed working and the balance worked well so I never pursued my ideas. I had a manager who was really supportive and we worked out part time hours that suited me and the business. I felt like Sarah again! Then this happened "redundancy". I felt a bit lost when I heard and had all these job ideas and even thought about retraining, I guess that is part of the process you go through when your faced with redundancy.

I finished work at end of July and knowing that a "full time" mum is not for me, as much as I love my son I need to do something else in addition to parenting. I don't think people realise how hard being a parent is until you are one, I know I wasn't prepared for it and still feel lost most some days. I am not trying to avoid being a parent at all, if anything doing this will allow me to spend more time with my son, he will always come first no matter what. I just need something else in my life, a challenge, other than his tantrums!

So the story is I am setting up a business, an online business, yep you've guessed it baby & child related! I know there is competition out there, I have done my research, but there is room for all of us out there......right??  It is still early days yet but I have done the initial work and going to my first trade exhibition very soon!

For now watch this space!!

P.S Any tips or advice from other mums or dads who work for themselves to fit round their children, will be very much appreciated!