Tuesday 2 July 2013

Scared but a fresh start is what is needed

Back in February this year I found out the company I work at had proposed that my job will be eliminated so there was the possibility I would face redundancy, I knew then it was definite, and from working in my role in Projects, I know that these proposals have been worked on for a long time so I was expecting the worst. In May I was told it was definite and I would start my 12 weeks notice period. There were opportunities for me elsewhere within the company should I decide to go for them, but I have been with the company for over 15 years and knew this is the time for a fresh start!......plus the journey to work and parking there is bit of a bitch!

I am scared, shit scared (excuse the language - but this is exactly how I feel at the moment) I worry about money as it is and how am I going to get a part time job to fit in with childcare without unsettling Sidney?????However......I am also really excited, especially now I have had a long time to process it, there are so many things and jobs I have planned to do but never pursued as there has never been the right moment. I faced redundancy a few years ago but got a job within the company doing what I do now,  then I dreamt of being made redundant when I was on maternity leave a couple of years ago, which never happened,  but now this is real and its really happening.......Don't get me wrong I actually like my job and am going to miss the friends I have made over the years, some very close friends, but I know I will always see them again but I will miss what I do.

What is next??.....I don't know, I have secured a small job for now, which is flexible hours and will give me a bit of pocket money and could lead to something else, but I also have other ideas like setting up a on line business, doing a course and updating this blog more frequently!!!......These things will take a while to do and set up, so for now I am going to enjoy the time off with Sidney and who knows what will come up on the way!


  1. OMG I am super excited to have found your blog lovely, so didn't know you had this?! I really believe everything happens for a reason and this may turn out to be a blessing in the long run, you never know. Xxx ps, so sorry my blog is similar name...I honestly didn't know you had this blog but tea and cake is the best hehe xx

    1. Hah I have only just realised now it is similar!!...but tea and cake is the best!! Xx
