Tuesday 31 December 2013

Out with the old.........in with the new and all that!!!

Another year has passed us by and I have also realised it is over three months since I last wrote a blog post, that is bad but in a positive way I have been really busy setting up my new business!

This year has been a roller coaster and didn't end well when I lost my wonderful nan in October, but having been ill for a few years now it is what she wanted, to be at peace.......The year started off well, my birthday is in January so always a great way to start the year (more pressies!!),  but then BANG 01 February you get told you are being made redundant, then we celebrated Sidney's 2nd birthday with family in February and in May went out to Italy to be a bridesmaid and to celebrate one of my besties wedding in beautiful Tuscany which was perfect.......but I spent 6 months worrying about what we will do about money, what job will I do, shall I retrain, but what? questions questions questions going on my head and then when I finally finished work I had no clue what I was going to do, I felt totally lost and at the same time worrying about money but then I had this light bulb moment, lets do what I wanted to do a few years ago and open an on line shop selling fun, individual and funky kids wear, I have some money and time to do it so yes that is what I am going to be launching in February 2014!!

 I cannot tell you how excited I am to be doing this, I have worked so hard to set up this business and so looking forward to the New Year. I am a strong believer that things like this happen for a reason and I have proved to myself that this can happen if you put your mind to it!

I will leave you with a few of my New Year resolutions I have put together for 2014 but if you want to hear more details about when I will be launching my business you can follow me on Twitter @sidneyboo1 or visit my website once I have launched at www.sidneyboo.co.uk

1) Eat less food - I am seriously going to work hard to shift these lbs and eat better food and smaller portions!!
2) Be a calmer mother - I need to remember that my son is still only little and so I must not get wound up as much about silly little things!
3) Sleep more - I go to bed far too late most nights and must go to bed earlier at least 3 nights a week so I don't feel or look like a knackered old woman everyday!
4) Be nicer to Darren - when I am tired he gets the brunt of it so hopefully with a bit more sleep I may be less of a bitch!!!!
5) Less time on my phone - I spend way too much time on my phone, I don't even realise sometimes so that is going to change big time!

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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