Monday 25 June 2012

Sleeping prince

One of my special moments of the day is watching my baby boy sleeping...No, I don't mean I love it when he is asleep, ok a little but when you have bathed, fed and put to bed with a little story and then just before you go to bed yourself you go and check on them and watch them's beautiful and I really treasure it....I sit and wonder what his he is dreaming about or is he thinking about his day and what he got up to!

Monday 18 June 2012

Piggy oink oink

Do you ever get those days when you can't stop eating? Well today has been
One of those days and I just want to eat and eat!

I have now managed to stop the food entering my mouth and sipping a cup of tea, using rice dream, it's like a milk but it's certainly not a dream!.... And I have managed to avoid the biscuits with my tea, which is always a bonus!

I do however feel fat and bloated and plan to go to gym tomorrow to burn it off but I am never that optamistic about my gym plans, and seeing that I haven't been for the last 3 weeks I don't think it looks promising. I need to get my butt in gear and go before I do turn in to a pink little pig!

Saturday 16 June 2012

About moi

I am a 30 something girl who became a first time mum in February 2011 to a boy called Sidney! I live with my partner Darren, we are engaged but I hate using fiancé so its either boyfriend or partner. We have been together for 12 year so we are practically married! We plan to tie the knot one day when we save some money for it (rather than holidays and DIY!!) and got ourselves organised!

The three of us live in West Sussex with our 2 cats, Betty & Claudia.

I am a working mum, but lucky enough to be able to work part time, and even though money wise it's a struggle sometimes I love those days I have off with my boy!....I would love to be a full time mum but we have bills to pay and want nice things but at the moment it works well for us!

Take my hat off to....

Week before last was not nice my other half, Darren, was not well at all and I had to look after him and a 15 month old boy, I take my hat off to any of you single parents out there as it was hard juggling everything!....especially with the worst patient from hell!.....but by the Sunday things were getting back to the norm and after a week of stuck indoors I think Darren need to get out so we met some lovely friends for a walk up at Reigate hill and back to theirs for a Sunday roast....this is what Sundays were invented for!

On the Thursday this week, it was my first day looking after my friends little girl, Honey. Honey is 3 months younger than Sidney so they are pretty close in age and we had a lovely was hard work and this time I was taking my hat off to parents with was hard keeping the two of them entertained. In the morning we went to a playgroup but afternoon was indoors with toys and games but was tiresome and if I had some wine in the house that eve a large glass would of gone down a treat!.... But we had fun and I hope I made Honey's first day with us enjoyable and looking forward to having her over every Thursday!


I am Sarah and the gorgeous boy in the picture is Sidney. I am a first time mum, who works part time and I love cooking, drinking tea and socialising with wine.

I wanted to shares my stories of being a mum, its not just about sitting down with friends and babies drinking tea and eating cake...although the first few months were like that when he just use to sleep, eat and produce dirty nappy after dirty nappy...but being a mum is hard work but also the most rewarding job ever!

I also love baking and shopping...oh and did I mention drinking wine!