Saturday 16 June 2012

About moi

I am a 30 something girl who became a first time mum in February 2011 to a boy called Sidney! I live with my partner Darren, we are engaged but I hate using fiancé so its either boyfriend or partner. We have been together for 12 year so we are practically married! We plan to tie the knot one day when we save some money for it (rather than holidays and DIY!!) and got ourselves organised!

The three of us live in West Sussex with our 2 cats, Betty & Claudia.

I am a working mum, but lucky enough to be able to work part time, and even though money wise it's a struggle sometimes I love those days I have off with my boy!....I would love to be a full time mum but we have bills to pay and want nice things but at the moment it works well for us!

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